Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy "Fat Loss" Dance!

I just have a minute to write something real quick! I am doing the happy "fat loss" dance this morning! I stepped on the scale and realized that I'd lost 10 lbs since starting the HCG protocol! How in the world is this working? It's amazing! It hasn't been easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it has certainly been worth it!

I have so much more to go. At some point I'll have to come clean about how much I weighed before I started. It's hard to even imagine it myself. I have always had such a good self image despite the weight, so I don't think of myself as weighing that much. When I see photo's of myself, I'm shocked--because I don't think of myself that way. Does that make sense? Oh boy! I'm sharing a lot today.

I think that by being grateful to be alive and living life the best I could when I was so ill, made me focus on my spirit more. I know that our Savior loves me and is mindful of my struggles. How I love Him!

I've had to reach outside this big shell and find joy in my life despite my pain and suffering. It has been something I strive for daily. I've tried to learn from these experiences so I can help others. It's hard and sometimes lonely. But, every season in life brings such blessings.

I'm looking forward to spreading my wings and soaring! After just 10 lbs lost, I feel so much better! So much healthier! I am ready to keep going now! I won't give up!

Pardon me while I go and eat my half a cup of Cheerios and half a cup of milk for breakfast! YUM!

For all of you on the HCG diet, keep going! You can do it if I can do it too!

I start walking today! Yeah, if you live in my neck of the woods and you see a fluffy red faced red headed woman struggling to get up that hill, please cheer her on!

1 comment:

Nighmom said...

Way to go, Valora! You have inspired me to work a little harder on my health as well.