Sunday, January 9, 2011


I was just asked to accept a new calling. Oh boy! I've been the cannery manager for our Ward for a couple of years. I guess it's time to learn new things. I'll let you know after next Sunday what it is. It's something I've never done before. It's always a big adventure for sure!

Our son Elder J. Hunter Otis is in the mission field in Lone Pine California. He is doing wonderful things there and we are so pleased with his individual progress as well. Missions are a wonderful thing for a young person. You learn to help others instead of serving yourself. The Lord is put first in their lives and it is wonderful to see the growth they experience!

Today Terry and I got to hold our favorite little guy in church. His name is Noah and he's 16 months old. How I love that sweet little boy. Fills up my arms and makes me miss my boys less than usual. In two weeks though, he goes home with his mommy and two brothers to Hawaii. I'll miss them all so much.

My weight loss is going well. I lost 8.5 lbs last week. I stopped losing a couple of days ago because the sugar free drink I purchased at Arby's must have had sugar in it. Blasted sugar! I just can't eat out for a while I think. I'd rather eat fresh organic anyway. Packing lunches while traveling is going to be important i think. So, tomorrow I'm having a fast and then eating an 8 oz steak for dinner. It's all good and I'll get back on track. It was a good week though. This week should prove to be even better.

My HCG business is doing well. It's a joy to help others lose weight. Many of my old childhood friends have looked me up and we are doing this hard thing together. I so appreciate each of them more than they know. If I can keep just one of them from suffering what I have gone through, it makes me so happy. What an amazing job to have. I thank Father each and every day for His blessings.

It sounds like our kids are happy after the wonderful wedding after Christmas. Jelly is so fun and sweet and adorable. I know our son is very happy. They are now in Utah in their little nest and going to college together. What wonderful memories they will have when their kids are all grown and gone like mine.

Life seems so blissful for the moment and I'm savoring every second.

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