Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hi Everyone! I'm here to tell you today how much I love my job and how filled with gratitude I am that my health has returned!

Yesterday I decided to try my oldest Goodwill find on....When I purchased these jeans, I'd noticed they had no give, no stretch fabric in them. Just good old fashioned denim. I remember thinking, "when you get into these pants, it will be the real size, it will take a while to get there Val."

Well, yesterday I got them over my hips! I thought, "NO WAY!" When I was a size 24+ I never thought I could lose this much weight. Now at nearly 70 lbs lost, I lay on my bed, buttoned those jeans and swiftly zipped them up! WOW! I did it! In about a week they will fit just perfect! Holy Cow! Is this even possible?

The best part of losing the weight is that I'm not in pain anymore. My joints aren't screaming for relief! I can take stairs two at a time. The most significant thing is, my edema is all but gone and my liver doesn't pain me in the middle of the night when I roll over any more. Just the memory of that pain keeps me moving forward. I pray each time I eat that I can continue to lose and get to my goal and be healthy. I ask for Fathers help in this, because I know I can't do this without his help.

I also pray that I can continue to help others do the same thing I"m doing. I'm sincere in my efforts to help them and I can't tell you what a blessing it is to be there for them.

Life is such a blessing these days. I used to do my best to help others. Now, I can physically help myself and my family. No more being an invalid. I've gotten a second chance at life and I"m embracing it with all my heart and spirit.

How am I doing this? Well, I'm a practitioner for Doc Stimulus Drops--homeopathic HCG drops! I help others do what I am doing. I help men and women lose weight every day with the aid of the drops and a low calorie diet. I know how it's done first hand. I feel what you're feeling each day. I love cheering others onto their personal goals. Send me a note if this is something you're ready for and I'll help you too! Invest in your health and in your future. The main thing is to be kind to yourself and continue to have hope and belief in that silver lining! I'll be there every stop of the way helping whenever I"m needed.

Look for my new website. It's being built and I'll post here when the grand unveiling will be. I'm so excited! Have a fantastic day everyone!

PS....Earn a free bottle of HCG by coming up with a new website name for me! here are some insight: It will be a place of healing, natural medicine and supplements, recipe's , inspirational creative writing , nutrition information, tips for staying on and being successful on a HCG diet, Tools for success and wellness, organic gardening and more.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Never give up on your dreams and your goals--there is always a way. You can do hard things too. We all can!

1 comment:

Nighmom said...

Healing your life.